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Dandelions is a Connecting Dots project developed by Materiais Diversos, Pó de Vir a Ser, The Academy of the Senses, Oslomet, Câmara Municipal de Évora,  Câmara Municipal do Sardoal and Culturgest.

Participating artists are: Luis Coelho, Rodrigo Pereira, Filipa Jaques, Carlota Jardim, Sara Anjo, Micaela Morgado, Eduardo Freitas, Sindri Leifsso, Carlota Jardim, Beatriz Pereira, Maria Abrantes



Évora * Pó de Vir a Ser * 22 — 23 out/oct 

Oficina de Serigrafia / Screen printing workshop * 10h30 — 18h 

Oficina aberta de produção de merchandising / Open workshop of merchandising manufacture * 15h — 18h 

Sardoal * Centro Cultural Gil Vicente * 30 out/oct 

Apresentação do site, programa do festival e concerto / Site presentation, festival programme and concert * 16h 

Dentes de Leitão is an Individual Arts platform that selects and promotes both renowned and emerging individualistic artists with transcendentalist values, and that focuses on the reflection and discussion on the role Art plays in the Herd Society. Initially created for Bairrada Artists, this project that now comes true in the form of a Variety Festival opens itself beyond borders and summons national and international artists dedicated to topics that are contemporary and fashionable amidst the Individual Arts. Based on formal meetings between the community, councils and lectures, and the greatest Art and Culture theoreticians, the artists shall work separately on the re-presentation and re-adaptation of artistic objects, aiming at making them profitable and far-reaching. Rural life serves as a creative motto to simplify critical thinking in aesthetical exercises that engage in a dialogue with the following dilemma: “Should Contemporary Art exit the large cities?”.

Criação coletiva / Collectively created by Coletivo de Pessoas e Animais. Agradecimentos / Acknowledgments A todas as pessoas que não são artistas / To everyone who is not an artist. instalação sonora / sound installation 


Évora * Jardim de Diana * 22 — 23 out / oct 

Conversa sobre o projeto / Talk about the project * 22 out / oct * 11h30 


Sardoal * Centro Cultural Gil Vicente * 29 — 30 out / oct 

Conversa sobre o projeto / Talk about the project * 29 out / oct * 12

 Do you ever stop and listen to what surrounds you? What do you hear? What kind of feelings does it bring? And what kind of memories do those sounds awaken? em espera started as a gathering of sounds and comes to life as an immersive phone booth where soundscapes are produced based on the sounds that are available for discovery. It is an exercise of deep listening, and it seeks to give relevance to the places where the project is being carried out — Sardoal, Évora and Lisbon — through sound stimuli, turning the invisible visible. em espera materialises a place where the exercise of waiting reveals itself — waiting for a call, for someone, for that message that won’t arrive, for a green light to move forward… It is also a place that teases, encouraging the waiting and the necessary openness to uncertainty, and that unveils what surrounds us, as well as the neglectful way in which we deal with everyday life and the people in it

Conceito / Concept Filipa Jaques. Cocriação / Co-creationAna Cruz, Beatriz Cóias, Beatriz Oliveira, Beatriz Rodrigues, Clara Ferreira, Débora Fernanda, Fábio Pé-Leve, multidisciplinar / multidisciplinary


Sardoal * Auditório Centro Cultural Gil Vicente * 29 out/oct * 15h

Linha de Terra is an invitation to imagiate and sprout possibilities of restoring our connection to nature. The earth is the womb that, when sown, shapes, forms and decomposes matter, generating life. How do we engage with our natural environment? How do we engrave our hands in it? Are we able to contemplate the creation of a shared fertile space? The hand is the gateway of the watching, listening, feeling, touching and communicating body. This natural tool acts as the mediator between interior and exterior, body and clay. As an intersecting bridge between sensitive realities, the hand reveals the power of the imaginable, of the process, of the experience. Our hands imprint the temporal traits of their existence into the clay, just as hands get shaped as they shape. Clay captures that passing and renders it immortal in a unique and enabling gesture

Conceito / Conceived by Carlota Jardim, Sara Anjo, Micaela Morgado, Eduardo Freitas escultura / sculpture


Évora * Largo do Conde Vila Flor * 22 — 23 out/oct

Momento de boas-vindas / Welcoming moment * 22 out/oct * 16h

Sardoal * Centro Cultural Gil Vicente * 29 — 30 out/oct

Momento de boas-vindas / Welcoming moment * 29 out/oct * 15h

The work Oferta manifests itself as places of offerings. They are interactive sculptures placed in public spaces in Évora and Sardoal made from marble and a cork tree. The function of the sculptures is twofold. Everyone passing by the works is free to leave something behind on the marble surfaces. There is also the option to take what’s been left there if one feels a connection to said object or might need it for practicalities. In engaging with the sculptures, passersby and audience will be involved in the constant change of aesthetics, symbolism and functionality. Some might make an offering while others may choose to reap the benefits.

 Conceito e criação / Conceived and created by Sindri Leifsson. Em colaboração com jovens de Sardoal, Évora, Lisboa / In collaboration with youngsters from Sardoal, Évora, Lisbon. Contributos de / Contribution of Beatriz Rodrigues. Agradecimentos / Acknowledgments Pedro Fazenda.multidisciplinar / multidisciplinary



Sardoal * Parque de Merendas do Sardoal / Sardoal Picnic Area * 29 out / oct * 11h 

Sardoal * Centro Cultural Gil Vicente * 30 out / oct * 11h

Pareidolia was conceived based on a collective exercise of creative writing by the youngsters from the territories of Sardoal, Lisbon and Évora. Its goal is to capture the manifold impacts a place has on the individual making of each person. It materialises in a deck of fabric cards and in a performance, putting forward a creative reading of images trough words and movement, resorting to the individual intuition, references, experiences and knowledge of those reading and interpreting. 

Conceito / Conceived by Carlota Jardim, Beatriz Pereira e Maria Abrantes. Ilustração e impressão / Illustration and printing Carlota Jardim, Beatriz Pereira e Maria Abrantes. Enunciados poéticos / Poetic utterances Jovens do Sardoal, Évora e Lisboa / Youngsters from Sardoal, Évora and Lisbon. Agradecimentos / Acknowledgments Hugo Lopes, Miky, Maria do Carmo e família Simples / and the Simples family, Zico, Vânia Rovisco, Pedro Fazenda, Fábio Santos, Cláudia Domingos, Maria Milheiriço, Ana Catarina, Sandra Marina Magano, Sofia, Mariana Mata Passos, Elisabete Paiva, Raquel Ribeiro Santos.